Projects I have made

You can find all my projects in my Github page.

Hacker News Notifications

Menubar OSX app written in Swift to get notifications of random stories from Hacker News at a chosen update time. In the menu you can choose which type of stories (Top Stories, Best Stories and New Stories) and the update time.

Quadratic Sieve

Quadratic Sieve is a Parallel Object Oriented implementation of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm by Pomerance, written in C++.


BGP (Bit Good Privacy) is a cross-platform cryptography library, that allow to crypt and decrypt strings using combination of sessions keys and asymmetric keys. It's very secure and easy to use, and it's available for all platform, including Android OS.


Caffeina is a C++ library that has the intent to simplify the developing of OpenGL application. Is not yet completed, I have to implement the event handler, the lighting system and other ugly things.


As the name say, Graph is a C++ implementation of a directed and undirected graphs using the STL C++ library and the Dracula javasript library to draw a lovely graph. It's also implements many graph algorithms, including: Floyd-Warshell algorithm, BFS, DFS, Coloring algorithm and other utility functions. Try it, it's very simple to use.


Regex is a Java GUI application that has the intent to search patterns in a text file, using regular expressions. Regex, implements the Thompson's Construction Algorithm to convert a regex into a epsilon-NFA, I have to implement the algorithm that convert the NFA into DFA, and use the DFA to search for patterns.


PiTank is a small RC car with a Raspberry Pi as a brain. It is controlled over a Wi-Fi network through and node.js for a real-time response, and streams back live video from an on-board webcam.

FSM (Finite State Machine)

C++ implementation of the DFA, NFA and e-NFA. Nothing special here, just an exercise for the course of Fundamentals of Computer Science